Our Story

India is an agrarian country and most of the people in India depend on farming. Agriculture is a traditional profession but in the current situation, the development of the agriculture sector is stunted due to a mismatch between knowledge and labor, therefore, We have established "Doctor Kisan Bio Research Institute Pvt. Ltd."

Why was "Doctor Kisan Bio Research Institute Pvt Ltd" established?

The founder and director of the company Mr. Sunil Kondaji Dinde when himself was farming, was facing many problems in agriculture, the combination of increasing cost of medicines, improper guidance, climate change

increasing the cost of production and decreasing the income from it, his life was getting worse. Considering all these aspects, farmers of all levels benefit from their own knowledge and experience so that other farmers can benefit For this, along with Co-Founder & Director Mr. Sagar Vijay Pawar and Co-Founder & Director Mr. Prashant Kondaji Dinde, innovative concepts, agri-useful policies, complementary agricultural activities to provide guidance services for all crops to the grassroots, small landholding, underdeveloped farmers in our country. "Doctor Kisan Bio Research Institute Pvt. Ltd." for the pure purpose of getting proper advice in this regard. This small tree was planted.

Goal:To increase production of the farmer by reducing the cost.

Objective:To “EMPOWER” the farmer.

Our research and development department is working around the clock to carry out new experiments and research in the field of agriculture, for which the company has a team of experts, qualified and experienced people in the field of agriculture for all crops. With the same thrust, we measure our success based on the satisfaction of our valued farmers, with right guidance to farmers, prompt service, quality of farmer produces and commitment of farmer.