Organic Farming – Biography
Land has been given the position of mother since ancient times hence we refer to land as Bhumata. As animals, birds and plants are alive, Similarly soil is also alive. We think that Mother Earth is alive because it is inhabited by countless animals.
Man is becoming selfish day by day, He neglects the farm for his own benefit. Soil breathes like a humans breathe.
humans need protection from heat, wind, rain, disease, soil also needs to be protected like human. As our forefathers handed over this wealth alive to the next generation, we should also hand it over to the next generation in a living condition. There is no doubt that this will automatically preserve and conserve valuable soil layers and maintain the soil texture.
Ancient times there was a cover of trees, bushes and grass on the ground, so protection and conservation from wind, rain etc. was done naturally. But over time, humans started cutting the trees, grass etc. on the land to meet their needs of food, water and shelter, resulting in soil erosion. Soil erosion leads to loss of root support for plants, loss of nutrients required for their growth and reduced supply of water to plants, resulting in reduced soil fertility and consequent decline in agricultural productivity. It takes many years for nature to produce one inch of soil. But this layer is likely to disappear due to human selfishness, laziness and carelessness. Considering the tropical nature of soil erosion, it is very important to protect and conserve the soil. At present, the increasing competition in the market and all the farmers have to work hard to produce exportable quality.
Due to the quality demands from the international market day by day and the different restrictions imposed by the European Union every year, there are many questions facing the Indian grape farmers. Pest and disease control is also becoming more difficult due to changing climate. Earlier grape cultivation was done in traditional way. Even though the income was low, the fertilizers and medicines required for it were made using natural materials like cow dung, compost, lemon extract. This makes the life of the former people more and healthier. The green revolution that took place in the meantime resulted in improper use of various types of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides and herbicides in the market. As a result, although the growth of our crop or production is high, the lands become barren due to excessive use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides and herbicides. Its effects on human health such as cancer, irritation, mental illness, skin disease, impotence and many other diseases we are facing. Fruit crops along with vegetable crop in coming period. The need for residue free i.e. toxin free food in cereal crops will increase. Maintaining the health of the body along with the health of the soil, This has also become a need of the times. Land is becoming dangerous for the environment day by day. Farmers should demand residue-free producers in the market and use them in agriculture to produce food free of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
Following are some point in organic farming :-
1) Soil conservation – stop using chemicals, use crop residues in place of wet grass, use organic and biological fertilizers, adopt crop rotation and multi-cropping, avoid excessive ploughing, and cover the soil under green or wet grass.
2) Temperature management – cover the soil, plant trees and shrubs on the embankment
3) Conservation of soil and rain water – dig percolation tanks, put contour dams on sloping land and adopt contour row farming, dig farm-ponds, plant low height trees on embankments.
4) Use Solar Energy - Get more greenery through a combination of different crops and plantation programs throughout the year.
5) Self-reliance in own needs- Develop own seeds, production of compost, vermicompost, vermiwash, liquid fertilizers and plant extracts.
6) Biodiversity Compliance – Develop habitats to sustain biodiversity, never use pesticides, create and save biodiversity.
7) Integration of animals – Animals are an important component of organic management and not only provide animal by-products but also provide sufficient dung and urine for soil application.
8) Use of renewable energy – use solar energy, biogas and ox-powered pumps, generators and other machines.
By following all the above things, we believe that once again we can make our country Sujlam, Suphalam by adopting natural method.