What is mean by PH? And how much should it be?

What should be the pH of the spraying water :-

PH is very important for agriculture and our daily life. Because pH determines whether a chemical is acidic or non-acidic. you know what happened to your situation when you had acidity, But this does not mean that non acid is good. Because acid is important to a certain level for the life of living organisms. That is, we should understand how to distinguish between acid and non-acid and the PH Meter is used for measuring  PH.

 PH =Potential of Hydrogen

Hydrogen :-

It is used in chemistry to measure positive and negative charge.

PH can be defined as, PH is the ratio of numbers. It shows the acidic and non-acidic properties of a liquid measured in numbers 1 to 14. If the number is less than 7, So that substance is considered as an acidic. And if it is more than 7 then it is considered non acidic. And the number 7 is considered neutral.

PH of natural water is 7 And it is considered neutral i.e. neither acidic nor non-acidic. As PH is important for agriculture, it is also important for medicine, food science, anatomy, ecology, construction science.

The numbers generally fall into the following categories

 3.5    :- Poisonous acidic

3.5 -4.4   :- Highly acidic

4.5 - 5.0  :- Very strong acidic

5.1 - 5.5  :- Strong acidic

5.6 -6.0   :- Mild acidic 

6.1 - 6.5 Slightly acidic

6.6 - 7.3 Neutral (Natural)

7.4 - 7.8 Slightly non acidic

7.9 - 8.4 Moderately non-acidic

8.5 - 9.0 Strong non acidic  

9 :- Very strong non acidic

PH is a very important topic.

The pH of the water is very important for spraying. Not TDS. When spraying any drug, we spray only about 1% drug and 99% water, if the water is not of the right quality, then there is not get result of spraying.

When not-result of spraying.

 The layer of fungicide powder in the spray remaining in the bottom of the tank after spraying.

The drug does not mix uniformly in water. Etc symptoms are that your PH water is too much….

 PH of water for spraying between 5-7 is  neccessary .